.. Collective Governance documentation master file .. _collectivegovernance: ================================================= Collective Governance ================================================= ------------------------------------------------- Open Source Community Governance Smart Contract ------------------------------------------------- Governance smart contracts are a type of smart contract that allow a community to influence an on-chain governance system or treasury through voting. They can be used to define who participates in the decision-making process, how votes are weighted and counted, and what actions can be taken based on the outcomes. Governance smart contracts can also provide security and transparency for the participants, as well as enable innovation and flexibility for the group or collective. However, governance smart contracts also face some challenges and limitations. For example, they may require a high level of technical expertise and trust from users, they may be vulnerable to attacks or bugs, and they may not be able to capture all the nuances and complexities of human interactions and agreements. Therefore, governance smart contracts need to be carefully designed, tested and audited before deployment. Collective Governance attempts to address all of the above concerns by providing an on-chain voting system with flexible plug-and-play community definitions and easy building blocks for creating communities. Communities may each determine the rules for voting and interacting separately from one another without requiring code changes, reviews or deployments. Collective Governance also provides a pluggable mechanism for defining the community itself, possibly as membership in a pre-defined voting pool or as a collective who all hold a particular token. Collective Governance has been designed from the ground up to be very easy to use. It uses an easily-understandable building block approach to creating a community and managing proposals and voting on that community. Therefore Collective Governance addresses many of the concerns and issues present in existing Governance contracts. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: gettingstarted javascript_example api supervisor license .. _deployment: Contract Deployment Details =========================== Sepolia TestNet _____________ ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== Contract Ethereum Address Version Description ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== ECDSA 0xe9e21aaEaEad9c57C1F4c622915fFB54f9Ebe338 4.9.0 OpenZeppelin signature module `Constant`_ 0x532bdBAa513194B446F49c70b104a0Ab61b9bB7c 0.9.19 Constant library `CommunityBuilder`_ 0xa36e161361A16D75534d565480e62cE474BaC9f3 LATEST CommunityBuilder Factory `GovernanceBuilder`_ 0x9fB5a925E61c31617129B5D030808939DADA99f7 LATEST Governance Contract Builder `TreasuryBuilder`_ 0x49753b58270AE454d4ec555Ff88294a4FAb01660 LATEST Treasury Contract Builder ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== Görli TestNet *Deprecated* __________________________ ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== Contract Ethereum Address Version Description ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== Constant 0xE92C637eC797934574D31D319B4bD1eca182e7F1 0.9.7 Constant library CommunityBuilder 0x011b543b69236aca83406edc051e8a6dd3bcda1c 0.9.7 CommunityBuilder Factory GovernanceBuilder 0x2c57560BF19b7c088488104D02506D87f63e414C 0.9.7 Governance Contract Builder ===================== ========================================== =========== =========================== Project Links ============= * `GitHub`_ * `JavaScript API`_ * `JavaScript Reference`_ Implementation .. _GitHub: https://github.com/collectivexyz/collective-governance-v1 .. _JavaScript API: https://github.com/collectivexyz/governance .. _JavaScript Reference: https://github.com/collectivexyz/collective_governance_js .. _Constant: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x532bdBAa513194B446F49c70b104a0Ab61b9bB7c .. _CommunityBuilder: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xa36e161361A16D75534d565480e62cE474BaC9f3 .. _GovernanceBuilder: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x9fB5a925E61c31617129B5D030808939DADA99f7 .. _TreasuryBuilder: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x49753b58270ae454d4ec555ff88294a4fab01660 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`